Group Voluntary Benefits




The Voluntary Benefits we offer your employees are:

Cancer Insurance: What happens if you are told you have cancer? Do you have coverage to start treatment immediately? Do you have money in the bank to pay what your major medical does not? If your answers are “no”, then you might want to talk to Felder Enterprises about this policy.

Accident: You never know when you or a member of your family is going to be in the hospital for an accident, fall or spill that may have occurred. What if your child is playing a sport and breaks a leg, literally? Do you have money to cover your deductible? What if there is an overnight stay in the hospital, or you have to miss work to take care of them? How are you going to make up that money? This policy can help.

Life Insurance: Do you have an employee that can’t afford life insurance? Or can’t qualify for life insurance? Under your business, we can write them a term life insurance policy to help them with coverage for themselves.

Short Term Disability: This policy will cover and pay your employee if they need to miss work temporarily for an injury that happened at work.

Long Term Disability: This policy will cover and pay your employee if they need to miss work permanently for an injury that happened at work.

SHOP (Small (business) Health Options Program): This is a supplementary policy that will bridge the gap between your major medical deductible and the actual major medical coverage.

The most incredible thing about all of these policies, as a business owner is you can offer these plans to your employees at no cost to you or you can pay for a percentage of the expenses. However you would like to handle the cost is completely up to you.

Make sure your employees have all of the benefits that come with having a large corporate job. Ask Felder Enterprises about Group Insurance in Augusta and Evans today!


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